The way of thought creates perceptions of happening.
Hello from the here and Now. I'm typing this Now, you will read it Now. In a non linear mind this makes good sense. SO if this makes sense, your among friends,,,if not,,, read on and see a Non-Linear perspective being pointed at with linear language. It is always wise to remember that language is a linear tool used by consciousness to find common ground to communicate on,,to create with. A word is created by language every moment and then called reality. The perceived experience created by language is not reality,,but only the World. Ever wonder why people speak of the "End of the World." and not the end of the Planet or of life itself?
The Truth is Happening.
What are we looking for when we look for truth? When we say , "What happened?" "Whats happening?", are we not looking for "truth"?
Happen- To occur.
Happen- To be by chance.
{I see "Fate = Free Will" resonating here.}
Truth- the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact, reality; actual existence.
I see in the word truth no room for debate, no room for opinion, no need for translation. This word fact throws off the meaning a bit, fact and truth to me are the same. We have come to see the word fact as some kind of evidence an authority provides.
The Happening
I am realizing that the ultimate truth, the "real truth" if you will, real as in the truth that coincides with reality as it is now, is happening right now. Reality being a state of "realness", or coming to your senses here and now.
The Truth is Happening right Now. It is always Now. If your a seeker of the truth, begin here and Now, truth is happening all around you. Anything not Happening Now is fiction. Even your own memories have to be re-written by your mind...right Now.
ManMadeOrder=Chaos, Natural Chaos=Cosmic Order. Homeostasis.
Chaos means to move without being controlled,or that which has a pattern that we cannot map. Its impossible to know or control every detail, attempts bring chaotic suffering. Peace comes when we know the universe can take care of it self, and to let go of transitory being. We all know the flesh will die and that spirit is eternal, now act like it.
A very destructive thought pattern humanity exhibits-
Feeling Ownership.
The artificial world of commerce creates the sense of ownership,,this is fine to a point. In nature Ownership means possession. When a group of humans claim ownership over land, other humans, food supplies, the water ways,,the planet it self, suffering on a massive scale takes place. Life can run itself and is free for everything alive. Only when one takes or claims ownership over that which is there for all, does social injustice take the place of liberty.
Humans also have a strange feeling of I own my body,,I own myself,,I own my soul,,then we decide who to give it too.
We "Own" nothing,,WE ARE IT! I cant own what I
am,,ownership is an imbalance of perception of whats
happening,,,We say "my hand,,My arm,,My soul, My country,
My planet".
Everything that IS,,IS as it IS Now.
By way of ideas,,men gained power over other men,,took
control of areas of land and sea,,them tell the commoners
who happen to live on this land,,"I own you and your home
now,,Here is the Money I want you to use,,with this you
can buy what you need to survive,,to get it,,you have to
work for me." Anything we own can be taken at any
time,,ownership is a state of mind.
I am here. ...Zero=0, refers to nothing or none.
A Circle=O, with mystical tradition refers to Everything or
All, the full cycle with no end or beginning.
A Circle=O, with mystical tradition refers to Everything or
All, the full cycle with no end or beginning.
So we see as far as "shape" goes a 0(zero) and O(circle)
are the same.
are the same.
This is code for Nothing=Everything,
Everything=Nothing, Empty of all but Consciousness.
Everything=Nothing, Empty of all but Consciousness.
This is in the context of the Consiousness as the real
Right and Wrong
"Right and Wrong, go together like "Hot and Cold".
"Good and Bad, Right and Wrong" are systems of
measurements of relative perceptions of actions that are
perceived as pleasure or pain,,that which we like of
dislike,,want or not want.
Reality is a feeling of happening,,some like it hot,,some like
it cold,,what feels right to me may feel wrong to you,,a
relative nature of comfort creates the perception of
enjoyment vs resentment,,or pain/pleasure.
To fight for whats right , may put you on either side of a
battle,,because this is a relative perception of "Right and
Wrong",,,and even the simplest interpretation of this simple
common sense has not been met,,,the Righteous say "Thou
shalt not Kill.." to be Right.... then kill millions themselves to
fight the ones who are wrong. Thus the way of Man,,,Know
Thyself. NOW
All the best Mystical information ever compiled into language is describing whats its like to awaken into the divine cosmos,,not a how to guide.
The Mind is a tool of perception. Consciousness perceives Cosmic Being <IAMALLNOW>
The truth, reality can not be know by relying on language. Reality cannot be described with language. Thus no real truth can be spoken or written,,only pointed at.
"As Above So Below",
"If the truth cannot be known by any means, since all means are finite, then it must be a self-revealing and self-existing entity."
-Dr. Kuntimaddi Sadananda
"The mind and intellect had acquired the habit of looking only outwards and never thought of turning inwards to know the self."
"Liberation takes no effort,,and that's why it's so over looked."
-Alan Watts
"Tag Your It"
Know Thyself.
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