Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Non Linear Time With Alan Watts.

The Non Linear reality of time is more widely understood outside western culture. My favorite philosopher Alan Watts speaks well on the subject of time. 
 Ponder Time as it IS and groove .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Non Linear Time as Reality, Not an Idea.

The perception I get of "time",,is that of a measuring system , a conscious tool that tracks the rate of change,,,>ALL IS NOW<, so this constant change is ALL NOW, I used to get visions of that worm toy that rolls inside and outside it self. Time doesn't flow in one direction true,,I sense a flow of change from center of being into ALL NOW ALL WAYS,,as direction come on with linear measurement of a non linear reality.

I see Non-Linear perception and understanding of the cosmic flow as the defining difference between experience and theory. The most interesting part to me is Non-Linear time perception, much like Zen states, can be felt but not described with language. Language is a linear creation containing nouns and verbs,,this alone goes a looooong way to creating the illusion of a solid universe we are "IN", versus realizing the cosmic flow of material a much more fluid happening,,energy flow,,Electromagnetic flow and flux. So again I say Linear perception is created by describing/measuring a Non Linear reality with language and other measuring systems. :geek:

Perceiving Non -Linear time( time as it is without being measured), and on the same level those around me that still perceive Linear time(constant measuring of time as flow of change) keeps me connected to linear time perception. I am perhaps beginning to understand possibly what Linear time perception is for.As Anthony Peake's theories states we all live our life span as many times as we wish and make changes here and there, this is experienced as "Deva Experiences" and premonitions,so perhaps those experiencing linear time and seem not to be able to understand Non Linear time as reality are still measuring their life span and will at some point stop measuring and finally experience life as it is happening? < ALL NOW ALL WAYS>

What we call "Time and Space" exist as I call it the "REAL IAM",,,Time and space exist in a Non Linear way. Linear "time" as we know it is a measurement. After pondering "what is being measured?" I realize it was the essence of SELF NOW> the rate of change that takes place now,,and kept track of, then speculated upon,,,,this action IS linear time,,if one thinks this measuring IS reality,,the mystics would say "they are asleep." I have experienced this feeling of ALL NOW NO SELF, and have come away feeling we create to BE, or BEING CREATES SELF,,,everything = everything now. One can perceive this as "I am alone in the cosmos and create to break monotony", that is a linear measurement of the same experience. To FEEL it is to KNOW it. Im beginning to understand this as a conscious language,,we both have to know the language to communicate clearly. My mistake I feel is trying to communicate what the mystics have refereed to as the "Unspeakable Self" or "The Mystery" as if I know, but hell why not? ,Im only pointing at what is happening once I stop measuring reality and face it as it is. Perhaps Im just hallucinating or dream walking, lying, wrong or just plain stupid,,its all the same to me. <IAM NOW>

When I THINK about time I experience Linear perception of time,,when I FEEL time it is ALL NOW, Non Linear,,not even Circular,,it Feels Cyclical...Mysterious.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

All Now Time Travel.

This video interest me a great deal. 

It reminds me of  "The Wardrobe"  as in Lion and the Witch,,it has water involved,, the cabinet  under the sink/ underworld ...darkness to light,,this can all be a mental trigger for paranormal events,,like classic fairy realm travel tales. The time travel that interest me the most is this special time travel of meeting your older self. 

scene from  DC COMICS. AllStar Comics #1 2000. Rex Tyler meets his older self and gives him his trade mark Hourglass. Young Rex will go onto become a renown chemist and Super Hero as Hourman.

When I was in 2nd grade I had a strange experience, I have very little memory of the actual event,,but I recall standing in a school bus line to go home after school, I remember being approached by an adult,,a feeling of recognition,,but nothing else,,I remember arriving at home in a daze,,my mother was concerned by my behavior,,she asked "what happened to you?" 
I said "I saw my self as a grown up.." 
Then many years later,,my oldest son who is 18 now,,was like 9 when Jet Li's "The One " came out.

In the movie the different Jet Li s feel each others 9 year old looked to me and said;
 "I can feel when the other me is around too." I asked "What other you?"
 He said; "The older me visits some times.." but couldn't give me details and has little recollection of it now....>ALL IS NOW ALL IS ONE<,so it's not a stretch for me to see Im born I die,,all NOW.....Guess Ill find out when I met my younger self waiting for a bus.

Reality is Happening Now.

                                       The present moment IS reality,, 

Conscious awareness  knows the NOW as it IS. In this state of mind the nature of reality becomes my only topic of thought.
ALL NOW interface with Reality as it IS. Six sense interface
 with sensation,,,5 physical senses and the 
Imagination=Physical experience. Know Thyself.  Unhypnotize
 the mind,,SENSE your Alive.  IAM=you are, IAM=Life.
Reality exist outside language and language points in the direction of reality.  Language creates concepts and concepts point.  Every point creates a counter point. Pointing is the universal language for "Look and See that way".  To rely on language to describe reality is to ask "Where" and a pointing finger is your reply and you stare at the pointing finger as your answer.  The version of reality based upon language is what we call The World.  The Planet Earth is rarely referred to as The World.  "Beware of Worldly things.", a warning against relying on language instead of direct experience. Fear not the end of the World, it is the end of ignorance of self.  Everyone has an opinion,,everyone has a point of view.  We can all agree and or disagree on what life is ,,what life is "supposed" to be,,what "should" happen.  As we all participate in this, THAT IS REALITY,,reality is happening NOW.

                               Reality is happening 

                               <NOW ALL WAYS>. 

"Truth" can not be know with language,,it can be felt.

 Many moments of perception strike me as amazingly 

strange,,,vast and simply simultaneously. 

Life Is Happening Now. What we think should or Should Not be is an activity of the NOW.

Searching for All there IS.


The Subconscious speaks loudly as Knowing.
 Feels like I'm searching for something,,but everything I perceive is an extension of self. I see others searching as well,,in all the searching we stir up knowledge not common and claim "I FOUND IT!!" Its all <NOW ALL WAYS> so searching will find,,but every perception perceives it self, pain is painful, pleasure feels good.....A life spent searching for self IS SELF living. Get with IT, Get with the eternal NOW, the future is a hoax, the past is a vision in the mind now. Imagine Self as IS. Know Self As IS <ALL NOW> Changes is the only "action", a flow of events seamless in happening. Space connects not separates. Ocean of being oneness in difference and likeness.

 Life as it is NOW is so amazing,,complex from microscopic oceans inside every cell that extend into every dimension of being from complex organ systems working together within an animal co existing within an environment of plant, water, mineral,,all parts of each being and separated into working unison,,systems of happening. This flows into cosmic spirals of light years long energy streams where a human being is smaller than a quark,,,AND YET WE STILL SEARCH FOR SOME MIRACLE TO PROVE LIFE ,,OR EXPLAIN IT INTO SUBMISSION. 

<LIFE IS ALL NOW> What humanity IS, is what we DO, NOW. The idea that humanity is building toward a goal is a controlling tool used by men who control. You are Happening NOW. Once humanity realizes everything we create is created by us for us to use/enjoy. Spoken and written script is a clear human invention. The ideas that arise within language created the whole world of language obviously. Humanity creates as we are a creator race of being,,thus we create all the time..with mental focus,,with language,,with belief, with talents, hands on molding of material. Anything created with language is more in line with art. Fiction or Non Fiction still a creation, reality as it is CAN NOT be described, but know with direct experience. Life is happening and your it. Know your self without description, Know the environment as self with out description. Sense Self As it IS ALL NOW ALL WAYS and watch the ghost created by language,,by description of ALL NOW, fade away like the Boogey Man. 
Reality exsist outside language and language points in the direction of reality. Language creates concepts and concepts point. Every point creates a counter point. Pointing is the universal language for "Look and See"," that way". To rely on language to describe reality is to ask "Where" and a pointing finger is your reply and you stare at the pointing finger as your answer. The version of reality based upon language is what we call "The World". Language has been used consciously and habitually to build idea structures or programs of thoughts that run through the mind 24/7, we call this a "Belief" when we agree with the program and a "Mind Control" when we dont. There is documentation of actual trauma Based Mind Control,,that is forced physically onto a persons brain and body. The most common control system to hold a conscious being in place is what I like to call the "Self Control System." The "Self Control" program comes from the "cant trust self" programming. Then the systems of Religions and Law can come in and line it all up for you. Follow the leader=You win. Freedom of course is the prize for following orders and controlling self into submission. What a world. Self Control System creates the fear of "Doing the Wrong thing",,and again the Religions and Laws can come in and keep it straight for you so you can relax in doing whats right as prescribed by the authority you follow. One of the first sensations you may find when you realize Non-Linear Perception of Being NOW,,is actual Freedom. 

"Wake Up!" When your Ready.

We are all players in a game older than time. ALL NOWALLWAYS Fear not and get caught up in the hysteria of Governmental conspiracies, end of world scares, many religions were founded on such ideas thousands of years ago. Never a time in history that was not this way. Reality is a state of mind. In the best and worse condition you will find fools, profiteers, and enlightened ones.  The Sun will eventually go super nova. Earth will eventually become a star. Accept it Now. 

The War is Over when we want it. The End begins at the Beginning, the Start Begins after the Ending.

2012 the time to wake up? You decide,,,if you want to,,why not today. 

If you find me asleep,,please leave me be,, don't be rude and wake me up prematurely.

Good vs Bad = Evil, Good + Bad = Live

"It is good to not do evil, it is bad to do evil. It is evil when good people allow bad things. Know this or it can get Ugly."

I used to ponder the difference between "the World" and 

"the Planet". 

I then realized the world is a description of the natural 

perception of living on a planet.

 Lately I've been pondering the difference between;
            "Good and Bad" and "Good and Evil." 
I realized a while back, when we use words like good/bad we are describing a state of preference. Good = what we like,,and Bad = want we don't like relatively. Now,,"Good and Evil",,G and D are known divine letters in some magikal schools,,so here I see the "GoD and D-evil" or Divine good and divine bad, evil is Live spelled backwards.

 The saying; "Evil is Good people allowing Bad things to happen." tells me,,EVIL needs GOOD People
(of course to think oneself good is bad right?)
 allowing BAD 
 ( things that harm knowingly)
 to happen in the world.

 The concept "Allowing", perhaps the most destructive human idea,, to say,"It's OK." 

 The righteous judge whats right and wrong. 
The wise,,the Human Beings,,they KNOW beyond language to the eternal NOW>. Pain and Pleasure are LIFE,,but Good and Evil are ideas,,more suffering is created in the name of good than evil. 


Who are you?

                Person or Persona means Mask.

Most have no problem recognizing our body. Think about your body, it has systems that function by being separated within the whole,,but the interconnected separation IS the interconnection of wholeness. SO your body is seen as one "thing" despite the obvious separate systems and parts. Now think about your body has lungs that function with oxygen in the atmosphere, another separate interconnection. Your legs and feet are designed to move over the surface of the environment,,or to swim in the water,,more separate interconnections. If you follow the separate interconnections you will realize the planet itself is as much "my Body" as the flesh and bones we habitually identify with. The planet is interconnected in the same way with the Sun,,the other planets and the cosmos itself. Follow all of this interconnected separation from center of conscious being to the limits of understood measurements and it is ALL ONE ALL WAYS> This take no belief,,this takes no understanding.

Oneness? "Divine Union"? Theses concepts are not things to 

be understood with language,,not even necessarily to "feel"

 with sensation..I wouln't even call it a "spiritual 

practice",,that's more language,,the Interconnected unity of

 all there IS is the very essence of a background for

 everything to BE. The most common sense state of mind 

 is ignored...Simply by existing you are ONE WITH THE

 COSMOS. No effort in this,,not even a realization,,it IS.  

I enjoy thinking about the human body and the way the bones are made from the same minerals from the earth,,the blood flows with water and life,,a struggle of amazing proportions going on in our blood stream,,flesh grows like plantlife,,each organ system can be seen as a different animal living in an environment called a body..actual plant life in our intestines,,the air in our lungs and all the fluids and foods we digest all the same "stuff"..  

Once upon a Time.

 Once upon a time

 I lived blind to myself

 and followed the rules of corrupt maniacs 

that controlled every aspect of my life, 

even my mind.

I began thinking my own thoughts,

followed my heart and not my head,

 and now I live as Myself for the betterment

 of myself and all my fellow Living Beings. 

The Beginning.

Non Linear Happening. Truth. Chaos=Order. Right/=Wrong.

The way of thought creates perceptions of happening.

Hello from the here and Now. I'm typing this Now, you will read it Now. In a non linear mind this makes good sense. SO if this makes sense, your among friends,,,if not,,, read on and see a Non-Linear perspective being pointed at with linear language. It is always wise to remember that language is a linear tool used by consciousness to find common ground to communicate on,,to create with. A word is created by language every moment and then called reality. The perceived experience created by language is not reality,,but only the World. Ever wonder why people speak of the "End of the World." and not the end of the Planet or of life itself? 

                             The Truth is Happening.

What are we looking for when we look for truth? When we say , "What happened?" "Whats happening?", are we not looking for "truth"?

Happen- To occur. 
Happen- To be by chance.

{I see "Fate = Free Will" resonating here.} 


Truth- the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact, reality; actual existence.

I see in the word truth no room for debate, no room for opinion, no need for translation. This word fact throws off the meaning a bit, fact and truth to me are the same. We have come to see the word fact as some kind of evidence an authority provides.

The Happening
I am realizing that the ultimate truth, the "real truth" if you will, real as in the truth that coincides with reality as it is now, is happening right now. Reality being a state of "realness", or coming to your senses here and now.
The Truth is Happening right Now. It is always Now. If your a seeker of the truth, begin here and Now, truth is happening all around you. Anything not Happening Now is fiction. Even your own memories have to be re-written by your mind...right Now.

  ManMadeOrder=ChaosNatural Chaos=Cosmic Order. Homeostasis.

Chaos means to move without being controlled,or that which has a pattern that we cannot map. Its impossible to know or control every detail, attempts bring chaotic suffering. Peace comes when we know the universe can take care of it self, and to let go of transitory being. We all know the flesh will die and that spirit is eternal, now act like it.

A very destructive thought pattern humanity exhibits-

Feeling Ownership. 
The artificial world of commerce creates the sense of ownership,,this is fine to a point. In nature Ownership means possession. When a group of humans claim ownership over land, other humans, food supplies, the water ways,,the planet it self, suffering on a massive scale takes place. Life can run itself and is free for everything alive. Only when one takes or claims ownership over that which is there for all, does social injustice take the place of liberty.

Humans also have a strange feeling of I own my body,,I own myself,,I own my soul,,then we decide who to give it too. 

We "Own" nothing,,WE ARE IT! I cant own what I 

am,,ownership is an imbalance of perception of whats 

happening,,,We say "my hand,,My arm,,My soul, My country,

 My planet".

 Everything that IS,,IS as it IS Now.

 By way of ideas,,men gained power over other men,,took 

control of areas of land and sea,,them tell the commoners 

who happen to live on this land,,"I own you and your home

 now,,Here is the Money I want you to use,,with this you 

can buy what you need to survive,,to get it,,you have to

 work for me." Anything we own can be taken at any 

time,,ownership is a state of mind.

I am here. ...Zero=0, refers to nothing or none.

Circle=O, with mystical tradition refers to Everything or

 All, the full cycle with no end or beginning.

So we see as far as "shape" goes  a 0(zero) and O(circle)

 are the same.

This is code for Nothing=Everything, 

Everything=Nothing, Empty of all but Consciousness.

This is in the context of the Consiousness as the real 

"you", and separation is a binary dream.

                             Right and Wrong

‎"Right and Wrong, go together like "Hot and Cold". 

"Good and Bad, Right and Wrong" are systems of  

measurements of  relative perceptions of actions that are

 perceived as pleasure or pain,,that which we like of 

dislike,,want or not want.

 Reality is a feeling of happening,,some like it hot,,some like

 it cold,,what feels right to me may feel wrong to you,,a 

relative nature of comfort creates the perception of 

enjoyment vs resentment,,or pain/pleasure.

 To fight for whats right , may put you on either side of a 

battle,,because this is a relative perception of "Right and 

Wrong",,,and even the simplest interpretation of this simple 

common sense has not been met,,,the Righteous say "Thou

 shalt not Kill.." to be Right.... then kill millions themselves to

 fight the ones who are wrong. Thus the way of Man,,,Know 

Thyself. NOW

All the best Mystical information ever compiled into language is describing whats its like to awaken into the divine cosmos,,not a how to guide.


The Mind is a tool of perception. Consciousness perceives Cosmic Being <IAMALLNOW>
The truth, reality can not be know by relying on language. Reality cannot be described with language. Thus no real truth can be spoken or written,,only pointed at. 

"As Above So Below", 
"If the truth cannot be known by any means, since all means are finite, then it must be a self-revealing and self-existing entity." 
-Dr. Kuntimaddi Sadananda

 "The mind and intellect had acquired the habit of looking only outwards and never thought of turning inwards to know the self."

"Liberation takes no effort,,and that's why it's so over looked." 
-Alan Watts

"Tag Your It"


Know Thyself.