Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We Are.


In Every way,

Life is as it is.

To know this is life.

To not know this is life.

Find your self by not searching,

Know your self by not seeking.

Awareness of being IS being.

We don't have,


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Homeostatic Direction of Being.


High Power Healer and I both agree. Homeostasis is the way of life going on in it self. The higher intelligence of nature growing out of self. 

If time is a system of measurement that measures the rate of change taking place NOW. This linear measuring system is measuring a non-linear reality. So in what direction does reality "travel"? I have come to feel this sense of motion as a homeostatic direction,,,reality is coming from center of being now all ways. The sensational version of reality as it is described and measured with language goes on simultaneously with reality as it is happening,, unfortunately this means once reality is looked at through theses measurements it is always the past that is being experienced.No matter what type of language is being used. This constant description of the NOW leaves the mind in a state of following the past self even if only a fraction of a second out of phase with the NOW and often will project the sense of a future because the present moment is always being perceived and if met with measurements will look like past and future,,but always seen from the NOW..this is a state of mind,,much like the type of language you speak and or understand. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Linear Measurement Hypnosis. The Abstract Model of Reality.

Believing the system of measurement that man invented to track the rate of change they can perceive and share as reality instead of remembering this system of measurement was made necessary as a means for us to meet and communicate with, can be seen as a form of self hypnosis. 

The language we use is an abstraction, but we so cling to language and measurement of mine/yours, on/off, good/bad, start/finish and who gets to be in charge around here that we fall into a state of hypnosis and think reality exist in the way we say it does and forget the vast amount of reality we have no clue about. I hear this way of relating to reality as "thinking inside the box", but I see this attitude effecting my whole thought process as long as I'm describing anything with language. Only when I stop measuring the change of being I call reality, does anything make sense. 

When I measure reality with language all kinds of problems arise, and by solving theses linguistic problems more problems arise, because any system of measurement will imply a lack and creates a feeling of "more/better" that will never go away.

Listen to Alan Watts talk about the difference between reality and abstract measurement of reality.
"Due to the belief that money IS wealth and not a measurement of wealth, humans had things happen like the great depression due to what we can a finical collapse,a lack of money. As if you went to build a house, the lumber is there, the tools are there,,but your told "Can't build a house today, we ran out of inches."
"We have the resources to provide every living being on this planet with the basic needs for a comfortable existence,,but the only thing stopping it is people keep asking "Who is going to pay for all of this? As if money comes from somewhere like gold,,money is a human invention. Using gold for money renders gold useless,,humans are not spiritualist or materialist at all,, humans are abstractionist."

I guess that's why everyone is yelling wake up! They want to unhypnotize themselves, and under hypnosis,, believe they are awake but everyone else not.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

all NOW all ways

Time as an idea we can talk about is a measurement of change that is perceived by the consciousness measuring the perception of the NOW. State of Being is always perceived NOW. The eternal IAM SELF is the same in ALL. This unspeakable perception is pointed at with concepts like "All Mighty Gods" and "Creator Deities." You may have heard talk about life as the "Body of God."

When we take "gods" out of the description we can see the NOW as a Holographic Fractal.
I can imagine this one consciousness as moving faster than perception, faster than creation, and can shape-shift just as fast, thus is every thing at all times. Much like a blinking light can blink so fast as to appear constant, or a fan blade can move so fast it appears invisible, then with a strobe light will appear not to be moving at all. I like to imagine super heroes like Superman and the Flash who can move so fast they appear in two places at once. Standing next to you is Clark Kent, but in the doorway is Superman. They can even carry on a conversation with themselves.

The idea of reincarnation, like many Eastern ideas brought to the west was translated into linear perception like time. The real meaning of reincarnation is that every one is you...the same IAM is all life now from center of being to cosmic knowing, from moment to moment we reincarnate.
I imagine each person as a paralleled dimension of being. Space and Time are perceived differently by each expression of the Oneness.
Every one is their own universe and the bodies we perceive are reflective windows we perceive other  expressions of universe and our own reflection,,,ALL NOW ALL WAYS,,,